Overnight, the New Zealand clocks moved forward an hour as the country shifted into daylight savings, meaning that our 6:30am wake up was actually 5:30am :( On the plus side, we were able to appreciate the morning sun and the gentle pink hues that illuminated Mt Hutt at daybreak. We headed into Christchurch, to partake in the much-anticipated activity: Go Karting. In pairs, the competitive tension ignited right away as teams strategised, in hushed determined tones, and after the warm up laps, the race was on! The karts zoomed around the tracks like angry wasps, buzzing and screeching as they hugged corners, edged out competitors and occasionally hit a barrier or two. It came down to the wire, with mandatory driver changes taking place with only minutes to spare, the clock was counting down, the sidelines were roaring with encouraging cheers and the pedal was to the metal. When the checkered flag flew, it was Team Yellow – Stephen and Nissanth – who came away the vi...